Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography compiled by Stefan Blaschke |
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Start: Announcements: Updates:
Announcements: Updates 1. Author Index [Info] Alegiani, Assunta. »Begehrende Körper: Intimität und Sexualität in Darstellungen von Dis/ability im Comic.« Comics und Intersektionalität. Edited by Anna Beckmann et al. Berlin 2024: 193-209. [Info] Andriana, Shania. »Women Objectification in The Last Duel (2021) Film By Ridley Scott.« Journal of Gender and Millennium Development Studies 1 (2024): 56-68. [Info] Ayhan, Tutku. »Genocidal Rape and Community Cohesion: The Case of Yezidis.« Religion, Violence, and the State in Iraq. Edited by Marc Lynch et al. Washington, D.C. 2019: 68-72. [Info] Barrett, Matthew. Scandalous Conduct: Canadian Officer Courts Martial, 1914–45. Vancouver 2022. [Info] Belan, César, et al. »“El furor de quien no puede sasiar sus deprabados deseos”: he Two Lives of Juan Antonio Montenegro (1782–1854), Priest and Historian in Southern Peru: A Paradigmatic Case of Clerical Sexual Transgression.« International Journal of Latin American Religions (October 31, 2024). [Info] Beliveau, Ralph, et al., eds. #MeToo TV: Essays on Streaming Rape Culture. Jefferson 2025. [Info] Burgess, Clare. »“These Unfortunate Women”: Sex Workers’ Responses to Violence in Late Sixteenth-Century Seville.« Histories of Sex Work Around the World. Edited by Catherine Phipps. New York 2024: 10-29. [Info] Cáceres, Daniel N. »Rape Culture and Consent in Contemporary Anglophone Women’s Rewritings of the Classical Tradition.« Crossing Boundaries: Transatlantic Dialogues and Gendered Narratives. Selected Papers from the 46th International Conference of Spanish Association of Anglo-American Studies. Edited by Francisco Alonso-Almeida et al. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria 2024: 70-76. [Info] Dubrowska, Małgorzata. »(Ur)Enkelinnen zwischen Erinnerung und Erzählung: Literarische Repräsentationen von Traumata in Maja Haderlaps Engel des Vergessens, Ramona Ambs’ Die radioaktive Marmelade meiner Großmutter und Mirna Funks Zwischen Du und Ich.« Monatshefte 116 (2024): 382-400. [Info] Fraeser, Nina. »Spärliche Solidaritäten: Erfahrungen autonomer Aushandlungen sexualisierter Gewalt in den 1980er-Jahren.« Freiburger Zeitschrift für GeschlechterStudien 30 (2024): 29-46. [Info] Jaafar, Nuha. »الخطاب اإلشهاري في روايات حرب الظالم في العراق.« Lark Journal of Philosophy, Linguistics, and Social Sciences 16 (2024): 223-233. [Info] Krüger-Fürhoff, Irmela M. »Verflochtenes Leben in Senior:innenheimen: Alter, Pflege, Sex und Sorge im Comic.« Comics und Intersektionalität. Edited by Anna Beckmann et al. Berlin 2024: 159-175. [Info] Mrňka, Jaromír. »Silent shadows in the rebirth of Czech nation: Unveiling the role of rape and sexual violence in the ethnic cleansing of post-WWII Czech lands.« Nations and Nationalism (October 21, 2024). [Info] Stein, Daniel. »Lynching und grafische Literatur: Zur Intersektionalität von Rachel Marie-Crane Williams’ Elegy for Mary Turner (2021).« Comics und Intersektionalität. Edited by Anna Beckmann et al. Berlin 2024: 29-51. [Info] Warnapala, Kanchanakesi. »Romanticizing Caste in Gaadi and Alborada: An Analysis of Two Contemporary Sri Lankan Films.« South Asian Review (October 26, 2024). [Info] White, Bryony. »Returning to the scene of the crime: gendered and racialized violence in Ana Mendieta’s Rape Scene.« Art Journal 82 (2023): 68-81. [Info] Wrobel, Jasmin. »(In)visível/(Un)sichtbar: Intersektionale Überlegungen zu Marcelo D’Saletes „sumidouro“ und Sirlene Barbosas und João Pinheiros Carolina.« Comics und Intersektionalität. Edited by Anna Beckmann et al. Berlin 2024: 99-116. [Info] Zipfel, Gaby, et al., eds. Vor Aller Augen: Sexuelle Gewalt in bewaffneten Konflikten. Hamburg 2021. 2. Speaker Index - 1. Author Index [Info] Robin, Marie. »“A Constant Influx of Men, Day and Night”: Sex Trafficking and French Military Prostitution During the First Vietnam War (1946–54).« Histories of Sex Work Around the World. Edited by Catherine Phipps. New York 2024: 115-134. 2. Speaker Index [Info] Robin, Marie. »‘I was the only one who could help [my family]’: Transcolonial Trajectories, Trafficking and Narratives of French Military Sex Work in the First Vietnam War.« 48th Annual Meeting of the French Colonial Historical Society. Charlottesville 2024. Topical Index
1. Prosecution:
Trials by Ordeal